Tag Archives: operational advice

How You Measure Your Business Matters

Measure Your Business | vcfo

Measure Your Business in a Manner That Matters Measure twice, cut once is an adage that’s been cited for centuries. Its literal meaning is to verify the accuracy of measurements before making cuts so that time, material, and effort are not wasted. Its figurative meaning is to plan and prepare appropriately before acting. Both meanings …

View Your Company’s Potential Value

View Your Company’s Potential Value | vcfo

v360™ Enterprise Value Roadmap – A Powerful Tool to Drive Value Optimization Increasing shareholder value is the holy grail for business executives in both public and privately owned companies. Building value is critical whether you’re the sole owner, part of an ownership group, or an executive charged with optimizing operations. Maximizing shareholder value supports many …

Employee Experience Expectations

Employee Experience Expectations | vcfo

Evolving Employee Experience Expectations in 2024 Creating an exceptional employee experience is more than a one-and-done endeavor. As people, markets, and the world around us change, so do employee expectations. Evaluating these shifts and what you need to do to not only create but sustain an optimal environment for your workforce is beneficial to your …

Generative AI & Business Policies

Generative AI & Business Policies | vcfo

Generative AI is Here. Are Your Policies Ready? If you’re a business owner or executive who doesn’t yet fully understand generative AI, you may be adopting a wait-and-see approach before establishing a policy regarding its use in your workplace. Generative AI, however, is not waiting around and has likely already made its way into your …

HR Involvement Early in M&A

HR Involvement Early in M&A | vcfp

The Importance of HR Involvement Early in M&A Evaluation In each of the last ten years, between 18,000 and 25,000 mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deals have taken place in the United States. At the same time, Harvard Business Review notes that 70%-90% of all M&A deals fail. Many companies become a casualty of that latter …

Merle Waterman Joins vcfo Denver Team as Consulting CFO

Merle Waterman, Consulting CFO | vcfo Denver

vcfo introduces Merle Waterman as our inaugural Fractional Integrator, Entrepreneurial Operating System®. Merle Waterman is a Consulting CFO with more than 30 years of leadership in ecommerce, software, manufacturing, and professional services. Expert at guiding fast-growing start-ups, Merle specializes in helping companies improve their “people operating system” to build profitability. Merle often works as an …

Quality of Earnings Reports Impact Valuation

Quality of Earnings Reports Impact Valuation | vcfo

How Quality of Earnings Reports Impact Valuation Securing a Quality of Earnings (QoE) report is often a routine step in the due diligence process for acquisitions. EBITDA is not a complete indication of financial performance for a business. A quality of earnings report assesses other factors that impact the ongoing viability of company earnings. Buyers use them to …

Strategic Finance Focus at Year-End

Strategic Finance Focus at Year-End | vcfo

As Year-End Approaches, Finish Strong and Focus Forward As another year ends, most CEOs and business leaders are preparing to take stock of what needs to be done to strengthen their business and advance their business goals in the coming year. While “taking stock” can take many forms, the overriding premise is to look deeply …

Strategic HR Focus at Year-End

Strategic HR Focus at Year-End | vcfo

The year is coming to an end, and like many other operational functions, the People Operations team is busy with their annual year-end processes. Although this time of year comes with many tactical tasks, it is important to incorporate careful planning, strategic thinking, and a sharp focus on both operational efficiency and long-term organizational success …

Business Growth – Cash and Capital Structure

Cash & Capital Structure | vcfo

When Growth Outpaces Cash – How Capital Structure Corrects It A new vcfo client recently concluded their highest sales quarter ever but wondered why they were struggling to pay vendors. Clearly, they were growing. It was just as clear, however, that their growth was unsustainable without significant changes to bolster their underlying support mechanisms. When …