Category Archives: Finance

Aerospace & Defense Supply Chain – Supplier Trends

Aerospace Supply Chain Supplier Trends | vcfo

Finding Success as an Aerospace & Defense Supplier Analyst outlooks for the Aerospace and Defense (A&D) industry point to significant, continued growth as strong travel and communication demand fuel the commercial sector, and a changing military landscape feeds more defense spending. Small- and mid-sized businesses looking to enter or increase their presence in A&D as …

Quality of Earnings Reports Impact Valuation

Quality of Earnings Reports Impact Valuation | vcfo

How Quality of Earnings Reports Impact Valuation Securing a Quality of Earnings (QoE) report is often a routine step in the due diligence process for acquisitions. EBITDA is not a complete indication of financial performance for a business. A quality of earnings report assesses other factors that impact the ongoing viability of company earnings. Buyers use them to …

Business Growth – Cash and Capital Structure

Cash & Capital Structure | vcfo

When Growth Outpaces Cash – How Capital Structure Corrects It A new vcfo client recently concluded their highest sales quarter ever but wondered why they were struggling to pay vendors. Clearly, they were growing. It was just as clear, however, that their growth was unsustainable without significant changes to bolster their underlying support mechanisms. When …

Enhancing Business Valuation: Aligning Owner Perception with Market Realities

Understanding and Maximizing Business Valuation | vcfo

After years spent pouring their life’s work into building a business, an owner invariably forms a perception of its worth. Yet, this perception often differs from the view of the market. Owner’s opinions of their business value can be influenced by inherent biases, flawed valuation methodologies, and factors lurking beyond their control. As a business …

Anti-Money Laundering Practices

Anti-Money Laundering Practices | vcfo

The Importance and Application of Anti-Money Laundering Practices Anti-Money Laundering (AML) practices and policies are aimed at keeping money that stems from criminal activity out of the mainstream financial ecosystem. Given this definition, owners and operators of legitimate businesses may rightly wonder why in the world they would need to think about AML at all. …

Retail Business – 3 Financial & Operational Factors

Retail Business – 3 Financial & Operational Factors | vcfo

Navigating a New Era of Retail – Three Financial and Operational Factors The market and operating environments of retail businesses have undergone dramatic transformations since the turn of the millennium; transformations that accelerated significantly more with the outset of the COVID pandemic. While some retailers have navigated these shifts to a point of better business …

Building Blocks of Business Valuation

Building Blocks of Business Valuation | vcfo

Building Blocks and Best Practices for Driving Business Value Business valuation is not an original or uncommon topic. It is, however, one that business owners and leaders should be far more focused on and reminded of often. That’s because many who start a business don’t always fully consider business value when developing their original strategy …

Inventory Management in Manufacturing

Inventory Management in Manufacturing | vcfo

How Attention to Inventory Can Make or Break Manufacturers A major factor in determining the success of a manufacturer is how well it manages its inventory. When manufacturers have too little inventory, they can’t fully meet customer demands and lose out on revenue as a result. When manufacturers have too much inventory, they trap cash …

Professional Services Firms Challenges

Professional Services Firms | vcfo

Challenges Faced by Professional Services Firms (and How a Strategic CFO Can Address Them) Professional services firms are unique entities. For them, hard assets like inventory, furniture, and machinery which are common in many businesses, are relatively few. Instead, their assets are their people. Some may think that makes financial management and strategic planning in …

A Simple Test for Businesses

Simple Business Test | vcfo

A Single Simple Test that Could Save Your Business Medical professionals often first rely on simple and inexpensive tests to determine whether more expensive, intrusive, or uncomfortable tests are necessary to gain deeper insights or more conclusive evidence to inform medical decisions they and patients face. In many cases, one simple, initial test tells them …