Tag Archives: hiring

Employee Experience Expectations

Employee Experience Expectations | vcfo

Evolving Employee Experience Expectations in 2024 Creating an exceptional employee experience is more than a one-and-done endeavor. As people, markets, and the world around us change, so do employee expectations. Evaluating these shifts and what you need to do to not only create but sustain an optimal environment for your workforce is beneficial to your …

Compensation Strategy & Philosophy Best Practices

Compensation Strategy & Philosophy | vcfo

Best Practices for Establishing a Compensation Strategy & Philosophy How a business approaches employee compensation plays a very important role in shaping the success of the business itself. For some, the approach to compensation can be rather organic or undefined, stemming from roots established in the company’s earliest days or from leaders following individual viewpoints …

DE&I Implementation & Strategy

DE&I Implementation – Good Intentions vs. Strategies that Drive Results The vcfo team regularly meets with leaders to understand their business challenges and opportunities and how we can help to navigate them successfully. Our conversations are usually broad and focus on the why and how of their businesses. These interactions often lead to discussions about …

Rethinking Employee Benefits

Rethinking Employee Benefits to Attract and Keep Top Talent Employers continue to struggle with finding and retaining employees as unemployment is still near all-time lows and the Great Resignation rolls on. To address these challenges, one area that employers need to closely examine is benefits, specifically their total benefits package. One’s total benefits package spans …

Engaging an Outsourced CFO – Ten Things to Consider

10 Tips to Outsource a CFO | vcfo

Engaging a virtual or fractional CFO as an outsourced resource is an excellent step for companies that need senior-level finance expertise but cannot afford to recruit or engage a full-time CFO. It’s important to ask the right questions to set the relationship up for success. Through our work providing teams of CFOs, controllers, and HR …

Best Practices for Long-Term Incentive Planning

image: discussing long term incentive planning

This post is co-authored by Kelly Wells and Teresa Foltz. Many elements go into the formula for attracting, retaining and developing the right talent for your organization. In assessing how you’re doing across each of these elements, one of the questions you’ll undoubtedly want to explore is “What kind of long-term incentive plan should our …

Coping with COVID: Recruitment Procedures And Virtual Interviews

In coping with the impact of COVID-19, business owners have had to make incredibly tough decisions– perhaps none more so than when they’ve had to furlough or lay off employees. Now, as some businesses begin to stabilize and widen their eyes to the longer term, new anxieties are creeping in. For many, this includes wondering …