Tag Archives: Recruiting

Employee Experience Expectations

Employee Experience Expectations | vcfo

Evolving Employee Experience Expectations in 2024 Creating an exceptional employee experience is more than a one-and-done endeavor. As people, markets, and the world around us change, so do employee expectations. Evaluating these shifts and what you need to do to not only create but sustain an optimal environment for your workforce is beneficial to your …

Attract & Retain Nonprofit Employees

Attract & Retain Nonprofit Employees | vcfo

How Nonprofits Can Attract and Retain Talented Employees The struggle to attract and retain talented employees has intensified in recent years and shows no signs of subsiding. With for-profit organizations offering top-tier pay rates and shoring up gaps in other areas of hiring and recruitment, nonprofits are finding it tougher than ever to get and …

Oil & Gas Labor Shortages

Oil & Gas Labor Shortages | vcfo

Overcoming Labor Shortages in the Oil and Gas Industry The U.S. oil and gas industry has remained resilient through continued market volatility and tough-to-predict booms and busts – even through the compounding wake of COVID and other recent market disruptions. From 2014-2019, swings in oil prices negatively impacted more than 3,000 exploration, production, and oilfield …

vcfo Denver HR Team Adds Karli Osgoodby

vcfo is pleased to announce that Karli Osgoodby, SPHR, has joined the vcfo team as a Senior HR Consultant, in order to better serve our clients in the greater Denver area with strategic HR services. Karli is a human resources professional with ten years of experience. She is a dynamic leader offering comprehensive knowledge and …

5 Characteristics of Great Finance, HR, and Recruiting Consultants

For CEOs and other business leaders who determine it may be necessary or valuable to bring in external consulting expertise to their organization, it’s important to consider the following characteristics to identify the right individual and approach to accomplish a successful engagement. And for consultants providing their counsel and skills, it’s equally important to objectively …

Year-End Actions and Assesment for Recruiting and Staffing

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Year-end recruiting and staffing actions typically involve less of the mandated reporting and administrative activities that are common hallmarks of other functions like finance and accounting. Even so, CEOs and those concerned with attracting, landing, and retaining key talent for an organization should view it with the same level of importance. Below, we dive into …

Attracting Talent – Job Description Best Practices

Writing The Best Job Descriptions – HR & Finance Consultants – vcfo

Are Your Job Descriptions Attracting the Right Talent? In virtually every geography where we work with companies to make them stronger, the story is the same when it comes to finding new employees that fit their organization’s talent needs. In short, it’s becoming tougher and tougher to attract capable candidates. Scanning but a few of …

Your Company’s Success Part II: Quality over Quantity

Recruitment Consultant in Texas

In our last blog we outlined the important parts of a job description and how to set up a marketable sales pitch that describes critical performance objectives rather than a laundry list of skills.  This approach will help attract the right candidates from the start allowing you to spend more quality time with fewer, better qualified candidates. …