Category Archives: CFO Consulting

How You Measure Your Business Matters

Measure Your Business | vcfo

Measure Your Business in a Manner That Matters Measure twice, cut once is an adage that’s been cited for centuries. Its literal meaning is to verify the accuracy of measurements before making cuts so that time, material, and effort are not wasted. Its figurative meaning is to plan and prepare appropriately before acting. Both meanings …

Professional Services Firms Challenges

Professional Services Firms | vcfo

Challenges Faced by Professional Services Firms (and How a Strategic CFO Can Address Them) Professional services firms are unique entities. For them, hard assets like inventory, furniture, and machinery which are common in many businesses, are relatively few. Instead, their assets are their people. Some may think that makes financial management and strategic planning in …

Budget Methodologies: Analyzing the Advantages & Disadvantages

Budgeting Methodologies

When I served as a panelist for the webinar, “Budgeting Basics: How to Build a Strong Budget,” we discussed a variety of topics, including how budgets affect profitability, when to start building next year’s budget, planning frameworks and the company stakeholders who need to be involved in the process. One vital aspect of budgeting is …

Inflation is here. It’s real. It could take you out of business.

US currency on fire, representing The cost of runaway inflation.

This blog is a wakeup call. Inflation is here to stay…without substantial intervention. Intervention isn’t going to happen until those making the calls acknowledge this is not a transitory situation and implement necessary actions to include raising interest rates. However, as you will see outlined below, even that will most likely not tame the monster. …

Key Elements of a Merger & Acquisition Integration Plan

image: successful mergers depend on a solid M&A integration plan

Merger & Acquisition Integration Plans The M&A term sheet has been negotiated, due diligence has been completed and the valuation plus the timing has been agreed upon by both sides. The transaction documents are almost through their first iteration by the attorneys. In your mind, the hard work has been done and you need to …

Enterprise Sustainability and Cash

Image: Man on ice float. Enterprise sustainability.

Enterprise Sustainability – Cash and Context The COVID pandemic impact hit hard and fast. Before the government could roll out supportive mechanisms in response to the pandemic, many businesses simply ran out of cash along with options that could have kept their doors open. No one could have fully foreseen COVID-19’s economic impacts, but many …

The Essential Role of the CFO in the Sale of Your Company

For many business owners, the sale of their company represents the culmination of decades of work and is likely to be the single largest, most important transaction of their lifetime. With so much money at stake, and likely the retirement security of the founder, it is important that the highest price is secured, and that …

Working Capital Access and Options

Stacking of coins demonstrates capital growth.

This post is co-authored by Ellen Wood and Chris Hysinger. Access to Working Capital – Understanding the Options and Improving the Odds Compounding the COVID-19 crisis, banks have tightened available capital and lines of credit for borrowers, especially for small to medium sized businesses. Other working capital programs have completely cut off virtually all their …

Due Diligence – A Four-Part Framework for Assessing Your Business

Due diligence is often viewed as the collective assessment checkpoints associated with transactions like mergers and acquisitions or funding endeavors. While these are certainly common pairings, due diligence can also be extremely helpful in assessing the overall health of a business and other factors. Essentially, due diligence is defined as “the investigation or exercise of …

Forming a Board – Key Considerations for Growing Businesses

For public companies, having a board of directors is both essential and required to protect shareholder interests, weigh key actions, and support well-informed decisions. While private companies don’t have the same requirement, a board of advisors or directors can nonetheless be just as helpful and important  to maximize business success. However, forming a board that’s …