Category Archives: Finance Consulting

View Your Company’s Potential Value

View Your Company’s Potential Value | vcfo

v360™ Enterprise Value Roadmap – A Powerful Tool to Drive Value Optimization Increasing shareholder value is the holy grail for business executives in both public and privately owned companies. Building value is critical whether you’re the sole owner, part of an ownership group, or an executive charged with optimizing operations. Maximizing shareholder value supports many …

Strategic Finance Focus at Year-End

Strategic Finance Focus at Year-End | vcfo

As Year-End Approaches, Finish Strong and Focus Forward As another year ends, most CEOs and business leaders are preparing to take stock of what needs to be done to strengthen their business and advance their business goals in the coming year. While “taking stock” can take many forms, the overriding premise is to look deeply …

Should You Incorporate in Delaware?

image: agreement on Delaware incorporation

Delaware declared its independence from Great Britain on June 15, 1776 and thereby also became independent of Pennsylvania with which it had been connected since 1682. Delaware was the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution and became known as “First State” among the 50 that now comprise the United States of America. Today, Delaware …

Delaware Incorporation: To Flip or Not to Flip? That is the Question

image: VC investors prefer US companies, which is where the Delaware flip shines.

The U.S. share of global venture investment has held steady at around 50% for the past five years. It was 51% in 2020. While this is down from an 84% share in 2004, and 90%+ share throughout the 1990s, high-growth tech companies with global market opportunities and unicorn potential would nonetheless be foolish not to …

Nonprofit Leadership In Times Of Crisis

image: clients of a food bank benefit from nonprofit leadership

Nonprofit leadership can be particularly hard-hit by unforeseen crises. In most instances, they face these challenges with lower financial reserves than most – reserves that could help them weather the storm were they more substantial. As supporters and contributors contend with personal and business concerns of their own, fundraising efforts languish and donations drop. As …

Understanding Key SaaS Metrics to Get Funded, Part II

Key SaaS Metrics | vcfo

“You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Peter Drucker Part I of this post covered the first four metrics that are the macro drivers of valuation, including ARR, Bookings, the Cash Conversion Score, and the Rule of 40. Part II covers additional metrics that provide powerful insights derived from measuring SaaS unit economics. Here are …

The Essential Role of the CFO in the Sale of Your Company

For many business owners, the sale of their company represents the culmination of decades of work and is likely to be the single largest, most important transaction of their lifetime. With so much money at stake, and likely the retirement security of the founder, it is important that the highest price is secured, and that …

Due Diligence – A Four-Part Framework for Assessing Your Business

Due diligence is often viewed as the collective assessment checkpoints associated with transactions like mergers and acquisitions or funding endeavors. While these are certainly common pairings, due diligence can also be extremely helpful in assessing the overall health of a business and other factors. Essentially, due diligence is defined as “the investigation or exercise of …

Determining the Right Funding Source for Your Business

Funding for your business can originate from a number of different sources, including family and friends to banks and institutional capital, so it serves business owners well to understand the advantages and disadvantages that accompanies each of these funding options prior to deciding which to pursue. It is common for business owners and leaders to …

5 Characteristics of Great Finance, HR, and Recruiting Consultants

For CEOs and other business leaders who determine it may be necessary or valuable to bring in external consulting expertise to their organization, it’s important to consider the following characteristics to identify the right individual and approach to accomplish a successful engagement. And for consultants providing their counsel and skills, it’s equally important to objectively …