Category Archives: Human Resources

FLSA & Noncompete Changes – What to Know

FLSA & Noncompete Changes | vcfo

Looming Changes to FLSA Requirements and Noncompete Agreements – The Big Picture for Your Business Two imminent changes in employment regulations could significantly impact your business operations and compliance status. Legal objections have been filed that will impact implementation dates and possibly final form. While the final fate and ultimate form of these proposed changes …

Employee Experience Expectations

Employee Experience Expectations | vcfo

Evolving Employee Experience Expectations in 2024 Creating an exceptional employee experience is more than a one-and-done endeavor. As people, markets, and the world around us change, so do employee expectations. Evaluating these shifts and what you need to do to not only create but sustain an optimal environment for your workforce is beneficial to your …

Generative AI & Business Policies

Generative AI & Business Policies | vcfo

Generative AI is Here. Are Your Policies Ready? If you’re a business owner or executive who doesn’t yet fully understand generative AI, you may be adopting a wait-and-see approach before establishing a policy regarding its use in your workplace. Generative AI, however, is not waiting around and has likely already made its way into your …

HR Involvement Early in M&A

HR Involvement Early in M&A | vcfp

The Importance of HR Involvement Early in M&A Evaluation In each of the last ten years, between 18,000 and 25,000 mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deals have taken place in the United States. At the same time, Harvard Business Review notes that 70%-90% of all M&A deals fail. Many companies become a casualty of that latter …

Prioritizing People in Manufacturing

Prioritizing People in Manufacturing | vcfo Blog

Prioritizing People in Manufacturing – Why it Matters? As the saying goes in manufacturing, “if you don’t have the people, you don’t have the products.” While it’s unlikely that one could find an executive that disagrees with this sentiment, manufacturing entities nonetheless often operate in isolated silos with inadequate communication and interaction between the production …

Navigating the Future of Work

Navigating the Future of Work | vcfo

Just as no one could have predicted the disruptions of the past decade, no one can predict with absolute certainty what the future of work will look like. Emerging trends and technologies do, however, give us an indication of how to think about and prepare for that future. Is your business ready for it? A …

Attract & Retain Nonprofit Employees

Attract & Retain Nonprofit Employees | vcfo

How Nonprofits Can Attract and Retain Talented Employees The struggle to attract and retain talented employees has intensified in recent years and shows no signs of subsiding. With for-profit organizations offering top-tier pay rates and shoring up gaps in other areas of hiring and recruitment, nonprofits are finding it tougher than ever to get and …

Rethinking Employee Benefits

Rethinking Employee Benefits to Attract and Keep Top Talent Employers continue to struggle with finding and retaining employees as unemployment is still near all-time lows and the Great Resignation rolls on. To address these challenges, one area that employers need to closely examine is benefits, specifically their total benefits package. One’s total benefits package spans …

How Company Culture Supports (or Sinks) Strategy

How Company Culture Impacts Strategy | vcfo

Business author and icon Peter Drucker is famously quoted for saying that “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Still, in some organizations, strategy nonetheless garners a great deal more attention and energy than company culture does. To be sure, even the most sound and well-articulated strategies will fail or never live up to their full potential …

Employee Experience in 2022

image: improved employee experience makes retention easier

Creating an Exceptional Employee Experience in 2022 We’ve all seen the signs – reduced operating hours due to staffing shortages, big incentives for prospective new employees, widened advertising for job openings, and more.  The employee scarcity and fierce labor market that many hoped would go away as the pandemic entered a new phase does not …