Tag Archives: employee retention

Employee Experience Expectations

Employee Experience Expectations | vcfo

Evolving Employee Experience Expectations in 2024 Creating an exceptional employee experience is more than a one-and-done endeavor. As people, markets, and the world around us change, so do employee expectations. Evaluating these shifts and what you need to do to not only create but sustain an optimal environment for your workforce is beneficial to your …

Prioritizing People in Manufacturing

Prioritizing People in Manufacturing | vcfo Blog

Prioritizing People in Manufacturing – Why it Matters? As the saying goes in manufacturing, “if you don’t have the people, you don’t have the products.” While it’s unlikely that one could find an executive that disagrees with this sentiment, manufacturing entities nonetheless often operate in isolated silos with inadequate communication and interaction between the production …

Compensation Strategy & Philosophy Best Practices

Compensation Strategy & Philosophy | vcfo

Best Practices for Establishing a Compensation Strategy & Philosophy How a business approaches employee compensation plays a very important role in shaping the success of the business itself. For some, the approach to compensation can be rather organic or undefined, stemming from roots established in the company’s earliest days or from leaders following individual viewpoints …

Attract & Retain Nonprofit Employees

Attract & Retain Nonprofit Employees | vcfo

How Nonprofits Can Attract and Retain Talented Employees The struggle to attract and retain talented employees has intensified in recent years and shows no signs of subsiding. With for-profit organizations offering top-tier pay rates and shoring up gaps in other areas of hiring and recruitment, nonprofits are finding it tougher than ever to get and …

Webinar: The Business Case for Rehabilitated Retention Strategies

The Business Case for Rehabilitated Retention Strategies | vcfo Webinar

Recruiting, retention, and rewards programs… it’s all many executive leadership teams can think during this period now dubbed ‘The Great Resignation’. But what can you actually do about it to set your business up for success? While employee retention is very much people-focused, the right strategy for your business must be a combination of both …

Oil & Gas Labor Shortages

Oil & Gas Labor Shortages | vcfo

Overcoming Labor Shortages in the Oil and Gas Industry The U.S. oil and gas industry has remained resilient through continued market volatility and tough-to-predict booms and busts – even through the compounding wake of COVID and other recent market disruptions. From 2014-2019, swings in oil prices negatively impacted more than 3,000 exploration, production, and oilfield …

DE&I Implementation & Strategy

DE&I Implementation – Good Intentions vs. Strategies that Drive Results The vcfo team regularly meets with leaders to understand their business challenges and opportunities and how we can help to navigate them successfully. Our conversations are usually broad and focus on the why and how of their businesses. These interactions often lead to discussions about …

Rethinking Employee Benefits

Rethinking Employee Benefits to Attract and Keep Top Talent Employers continue to struggle with finding and retaining employees as unemployment is still near all-time lows and the Great Resignation rolls on. To address these challenges, one area that employers need to closely examine is benefits, specifically their total benefits package. One’s total benefits package spans …

Employee Experience in 2022

image: improved employee experience makes retention easier

Creating an Exceptional Employee Experience in 2022 We’ve all seen the signs – reduced operating hours due to staffing shortages, big incentives for prospective new employees, widened advertising for job openings, and more.  The employee scarcity and fierce labor market that many hoped would go away as the pandemic entered a new phase does not …

7 Leadership Practices that Make a Big Difference

This post was co-authored by Cristina Silingardi, Vice President with vcfo, and Donna Zinsmeyer, Director of Operations with vcfo. 7 Leadership Practices that Make a Big Difference for Employees and Organizations As we have celebrated our 25th anniversary this year, we have also looked back at leadership practices that helped to make it possible. It is …