Category Archives: Blog

Coping with COVID – Business Leadership and Employee Fatigue

A lot has changed since January 21, 2020, when the U.S. announced the first confirmed case of the COVID-19 virus on its soil. Like every aspect of society, business leaders and their employees continue to cope with the impacts. And as weeks turn to months with no clear sign of when normality will resume and …

Coping with COVID – Workforce Reduction Decisions

This post was co-authored by Amy Beckstead, Employment Attorney at Beckstead Terry PLLC, and Kim Flores, Vice President of Human Resources at vcfo. COVID-19 has brought unprecedented disruption and hard stops to many sectors of the US and global economies. In turn, employers are being forced to make extremely difficult decisions to support the safety …

Coping with COVID – Employer Considerations

As employers come to grips with the disruption wrought by the Coronavirus, three closely related concerns rise to the top – employee safety, communications, and compliance. Financial viability is right there too, but smart employers prioritize people and understand that financial viability isn’t achievable in the long term if these prerequisites are not effectively met. …

Preparing Your Business to Weather the Virus

This post was co-authored by Jerry Pinataro, Senior HR Consultant, and Regina Walters, Consulting CFO. As COVID-19 spreads within the U.S. borders, companies are taking immediate action to protect their employees and sustain business operations as much as possible. Being proactive and planful is the best policy and so much is unknown with a virus …

Due Diligence – A Four-Part Framework for Assessing Your Business

Due diligence is often viewed as the collective assessment checkpoints associated with transactions like mergers and acquisitions or funding endeavors. While these are certainly common pairings, due diligence can also be extremely helpful in assessing the overall health of a business and other factors. Essentially, due diligence is defined as “the investigation or exercise of …

Determining the Right Funding Source for Your Business

Funding for your business can originate from a number of different sources, including family and friends to banks and institutional capital, so it serves business owners well to understand the advantages and disadvantages that accompanies each of these funding options prior to deciding which to pursue. It is common for business owners and leaders to …

Forming a Board – Key Considerations for Growing Businesses

For public companies, having a board of directors is both essential and required to protect shareholder interests, weigh key actions, and support well-informed decisions. While private companies don’t have the same requirement, a board of advisors or directors can nonetheless be just as helpful and important  to maximize business success. However, forming a board that’s …

When to Implement a Human Resources Information System (HRIS)

When to Implement HRIS Blog Image

When businesses are in their early stages, owners and leaders have to make many decisions on what they can and cannot invest in to move their business forward. For their HR functions, their focus is often on covering only what has to be covered, such as payroll processing or basic onboarding and compliance. Depending on …

Why Organizations Need and Benefit from HR Mentoring

The Benefits of HR Mentoring

Finding and hiring great talent is a near-constant priority for leaders of growing companies. And while attracting the right people to one’s business is crucial, it’s equally important to have a strategy in place to retain and grow employees in a way that maximizes their contributions as well as their satisfaction and professional development. Leaders, …