Tag Archives: DE&I

DE&I Implementation & Strategy

DE&I Implementation – Good Intentions vs. Strategies that Drive Results The vcfo team regularly meets with leaders to understand their business challenges and opportunities and how we can help to navigate them successfully. Our conversations are usually broad and focus on the why and how of their businesses. These interactions often lead to discussions about …

What Is ESG and Why Is It Important?

Understanding the Rise of ESG – What Business Leaders Need to Know In just the past year, searches in Google for “ESG” have more than doubled. If you’re a business leader who has not yet become acquainted with this trending acronym, you should get to know it. For those already familiar with ESG, you’re likely …

Labor Force – Employing the Disabled

Disabled Professionals in A Business Setting

The Labor Force That Some Don’t See – Employing the Disabled We’ve heard it for some time now. The labor market is tight. Unemployment is low. Finding the right talent is tough. Certainly, the pandemic has caused many to opt-out of employment for a variety of reasons – substantial unemployment benefits, health concerns, family care, …

Diversity and the Bottom Line

Why CFOs Should Embrace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion In my conversations with many C-suite executives, I have observed that diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are often approached by organizations and the leaders within them as a “feel-good” initiative – the right thing to do. Diversity is so much more than that. The tenets of diversity …

Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategies

Multicolored game pieces represent diversity, equity, and inclusion.

This post is co-authored by Brian Bruce, Allyson Cline, Vira Trevino-Garcia, and Sweta Patel. Four Strategies for Promoting Workplace Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Businesses that exemplify diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) are overwhelmingly more successful than those that do not. Most people have long believed this statement to be true and the mountain of evidence …