WEBINAR: Understanding the Evolving Crisis and the Potential Impact on Your Small Business

  Click here to view the recorded webinar. We live in what feels like unprecedented times. Severe upheaval and dislocation in the systems and structures that have held society together are causing them to come apart in front of our very eyes. It is everywhere. In government and politics, our education systems, the environment, science …

Four Key Functions a CFO Adds to the Executive Team

Executive Leadership Team

Forming and growing a strong leadership and executive team is a vital and evolving challenge for business leaders. Deciding on the roles, the levels of experience and the capabilities required on the team depend on both the current stage and planned growth of the company. Financial and strategic expertise will always be a part of …

Government Contracting – An Overview and Key Considerations for Businesses

Conducting business with the federal government can be a highly enticing and profitable path for many businesses. It can also be very overwhelming given the complexities of government contracting rules. No one person knows all there is to know about government contracts. It is simply too wide and deep an area to expect otherwise. Starting …

Pace Yourself During Periods of Transition

“Slow down to speed up.” You’ve heard this before, right? And, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” These familiar phrases are often used in life, and are applicable for business as well. Two places these phrases surface in business are during rapid growth and in a sudden crisis. Most companies grow organically. In the …

PPP Updates and Considerations

PPP Updates and Considerations

This post is co-authored by Ellen Wood, Chris Hysinger, Jennifer Lennarz, and Regina Walters. Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Updates – Key Components and Considerations In January of 2021, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) resumed and expanded its Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA). This opens up new funds …

How History Informs Business Strategy

While living in Washington, DC in the nineties, I was introduced to a book that hit me like a brick and provided clear context for everything that was happening in the world around me. That book was The Fourth Turning, by William Strauss and Neil Howe. It held that events which many times appear unrelated …

Updating Accounting and Finance Practices for Growth

Calculating Accounting and Finance Practices for Growth

At start-up and in the earliest stages of operation, most companies understandably approach the accounting and finance side of their business from a basic bookkeeping perspective. As a business grows, however, so too does the need for more advanced accounting practices and financial insight. In most cases, adding responsibilities requiring a higher level of experience …

The Essential Role of the CFO in the Sale of Your Company

For many business owners, the sale of their company represents the culmination of decades of work and is likely to be the single largest, most important transaction of their lifetime. With so much money at stake, and likely the retirement security of the founder, it is important that the highest price is secured, and that …

Adapting to Remote and Hybrid Work Models

Video conference call in a work from home environment.

Adapting to the Remote and Hybrid Work Revolution Revolution signifies a radical and pervasive change, especially one made suddenly. With remote and hybrid work models, the 2020 global pandemic burst open the gates for these already rapidly growing business practices. The good news is that the pandemic’s near-immediate impact meant that most organizations that hadn’t …