7 Practices for New and Up-and-Coming Business Leaders

image: Woman mentoring team: practical business leadership

This post is co-authored by Carter Freeman and Mike Wilfley. As vcfo celebrates 25 years of making companies stronger, we also celebrate the new and emerging entrepreneurs and leaders that continue to start and build the businesses of tomorrow. Being a firm of this age, comprised of professionals with deep careers at the highest leadership …

Understanding Management Team Makeup and Personalities

image: understanding management team dynamics

The Importance of Management Team Composition in a Time of Instability Business leaders are facing an unpredictable environment in which challenges and opportunities are constantly shifting in degree, frequency, and intensity. CEOs are navigating their businesses through an era in which technology is remaking the very foundation of business, while also facing intensifying turmoil in …

Alternatives to Traditional Venture Capital Equity Financing

Business man analyzing data for VC funding

Get Funded While Retaining Control SaaS companies face challenges getting funding from traditional lenders. There are several reasons for this, including lack of positive cash flow and the absence of hard collateral. However, as the SaaS business model has matured and become better understood, an increasing number of institutions are willing to provide alternative, non-equity, …

Labor Force – Employing the Disabled

Disabled Professionals in A Business Setting

The Labor Force That Some Don’t See – Employing the Disabled We’ve heard it for some time now. The labor market is tight. Unemployment is low. Finding the right talent is tough. Certainly, the pandemic has caused many to opt-out of employment for a variety of reasons – substantial unemployment benefits, health concerns, family care, …

WEBINAR: The Evolving Crisis, Part III – The Great Shift

Thought Leadership Webinar

Click here view the recorded webinar. Signs of an economic boom are everywhere. Stock market valuations are at an all-time high, home prices are surging. Individual investors are making stunning returns in crypto currencies, non-fungible tokens (NFT’s) and meme stocks. Economists are predicting healthy growth for the foreseeable future as supply chain issues are worked …

Corporate Philanthropy and Business Values

Hands holding sprouting plant and earth in the shape of a hear

The Evolution and Elevation of Corporate Philanthropy Corporate philanthropy has evolved immensely over the past few decades. Our recent conversation with three CEOs adds light to this shift and provides helpful insights to others that are looking to weave philanthropy more tightly into the culture of their companies. Below, we share the corporate philanthropy experiences …

Enterprise Sustainability and Cash

Image: Man on ice float. Enterprise sustainability.

Enterprise Sustainability – Cash and Context The COVID pandemic impact hit hard and fast. Before the government could roll out supportive mechanisms in response to the pandemic, many businesses simply ran out of cash along with options that could have kept their doors open. No one could have fully foreseen COVID-19’s economic impacts, but many …

Nonprofit Leadership In Times Of Crisis

image: clients of a food bank benefit from nonprofit leadership

Nonprofit leadership can be particularly hard-hit by unforeseen crises. In most instances, they face these challenges with lower financial reserves than most – reserves that could help them weather the storm were they more substantial. As supporters and contributors contend with personal and business concerns of their own, fundraising efforts languish and donations drop. As …

Understanding Key SaaS Metrics to Get Funded, Part II

Key SaaS Metrics | vcfo

“You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Peter Drucker Part I of this post covered the first four metrics that are the macro drivers of valuation, including ARR, Bookings, the Cash Conversion Score, and the Rule of 40. Part II covers additional metrics that provide powerful insights derived from measuring SaaS unit economics. Here are …

Can’t Get No SaaSifaction? Essential SaaS Metrics For Funding, Part I

Essential SaaS KPI Metrics For Funding

“If you don’t know your numbers, then you don’t know your business.”  -Marcus Lemonis There are many reasons that SaaS software companies fail, including lack of product and/or market fit, an inadequate sales organization, and a lack of capital. Don’t be one of those failures.. This two-part series is for SaaS executives who want to …