Category Archives: Blog

IT Security in SMBs

Ensuring IT Security in Small- to Medium-Sized Businesses | vcfo

This article was co-authored by Mike Wilfley, vcfo Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President, and Shane Gronniger, CEO for GCS Technologies. Ensuring IT Security in Small- to Medium-Sized Businesses A decade ago, dealing with spam, avoiding worms and viruses, and keeping inappropriate images and websites out of the office environment are what held the …

The Increasing Importance of the Chief People Officer

The role and impact of the Chief People Officer (CPO) or Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) has continued to evolve since its emergence some two decades ago. Its origins marked a break from the traditional view of HR as primarily a tactical and administrative function to instead recognizing it as an indispensable part of the …

Oil & Gas Labor Shortages

Oil & Gas Labor Shortages | vcfo

Overcoming Labor Shortages in the Oil and Gas Industry The U.S. oil and gas industry has remained resilient through continued market volatility and tough-to-predict booms and busts – even through the compounding wake of COVID and other recent market disruptions. From 2014-2019, swings in oil prices negatively impacted more than 3,000 exploration, production, and oilfield …

Lease Accounting Updates that May Impact Your Business

ASC 842 is a new accounting standard set forth by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). It includes significant departures from its predecessor (ASC 840), applies to both lessees and lessors, and will have far-reaching impacts on many businesses. These impacts will include major changes to accounting practices and financial reporting, as well as increased …

Capital for Oilfield Services

Oilfield Services Capital | vcfo

Improving Access to Capital for US Oilfield Services Companies For small- to medium-sized oilfield services companies in the United States, the financial impacts of the pandemic, competitive pressures, and a range of recent disruptors have made it incredibly tough to stay healthy. While the peak of the pandemic may be behind us, those oilfield services …

How to Recession-Proof Your Business

How to Recession-Proof Your Business | vcfo

Business leaders, investors, and market watchers are increasingly concerned about the possibility of an economic downturn in the relatively near future. These concerns are further inflamed by the repetitious coverage of the topic by media. Parts of the economy may already technically be in a recession. In turn, these factors are fueling rising concerns and …

How Can Workplan Analysis Strengthen Your Business?

Running a business requires a focus on many external forces, such as market and consumer behavior changes, labor markets, cost and pricing adjustments, capital needs, and more. Internal resources are best utilized by making sure the right people are in the right roles, systems are being properly utilized, and processes are as efficient as possible. …

How To Optimize Operations In Times Of Uncertainty

Using Competitive Insights to Optimize Operations in Times of Uncertainty The country is experiencing economic uncertainty. Whether you believe a recession is imminent or overblown media hype, the potential only makes the importance of tightening up operations more important. It’s never a bad time to reassess and implement improvements. Optimizing operations now will put you …

DE&I Implementation & Strategy

DE&I Implementation – Good Intentions vs. Strategies that Drive Results The vcfo team regularly meets with leaders to understand their business challenges and opportunities and how we can help to navigate them successfully. Our conversations are usually broad and focus on the why and how of their businesses. These interactions often lead to discussions about …

Benefits of Fractional HR Leadership

This article was co-authored by Teresa Foltz, vcfo Houston Senior People Operations/ HR Consultant, and Paul Hagerty, vcfo Dallas Senior People Operations/ HR Consultant. Outsourcing HR – 8 Benefits of Virtual or Fractional HR Leadership Employees have always been a company’s most important asset, but the events of recent years have driven that point home …