Category Archives: Blog

Anti-Money Laundering Practices

Anti-Money Laundering Practices | vcfo

The Importance and Application of Anti-Money Laundering Practices Anti-Money Laundering (AML) practices and policies are aimed at keeping money that stems from criminal activity out of the mainstream financial ecosystem. Given this definition, owners and operators of legitimate businesses may rightly wonder why in the world they would need to think about AML at all. …

6 Operating Metrics for Professional Services Firms

6 Operating Metrics for Professional Services Firms | vcfo

6 Operating Performance Metrics for Professional Services Firms Professional services firms come in all shapes, sizes, and types – law, accounting, architecture, engineering, field services, janitorial, specialized consulting, and the list goes on. While each is decidedly different, the common denominator connecting them all is providing services – work being performed for a fee. Professional services …

SMB & Startup Business in Aerospace & Defense

Aerospace & Defense | vcfo

Five Principles for SMB & Startup Business in Aerospace & Defense A recent PwC report notes that the aerospace & defense (A&D) industry generated $741B in 2022 and stands poised for further growth in the years ahead. It’s no wonder then that a wide range of SMBs and startups are enticed by opportunities to do …

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) Compliance

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) | vcfo

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) – Business Compliance and Implementation Over decades, numerous local, state, and federal laws have been enacted to ensure employees are provided with sensible working conditions and protections from discrimination based on medical conditions and a range of other factors. On June 27, 2023, the federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act …

Nonprofit Finance Practices

Nonprofit Finance Practices | vcfo

Restoring and Ensuring Effective Nonprofit Finance Practices Decades ago, healthcare trailblazer Sister Irene Kraus moved her mantra of “No Margin. No Mission.” into the limelight. Underscoring this was her ahead-of-the-curve understanding that mission-centered organizations must have strong finance and compliance-related practices and expertise in place to be able to provide services in line with their …

Prioritizing People in Manufacturing

Prioritizing People in Manufacturing | vcfo Blog

Prioritizing People in Manufacturing – Why it Matters? As the saying goes in manufacturing, “if you don’t have the people, you don’t have the products.” While it’s unlikely that one could find an executive that disagrees with this sentiment, manufacturing entities nonetheless often operate in isolated silos with inadequate communication and interaction between the production …

Retail Business – 3 Financial & Operational Factors

Retail Business – 3 Financial & Operational Factors | vcfo

Navigating a New Era of Retail – Three Financial and Operational Factors The market and operating environments of retail businesses have undergone dramatic transformations since the turn of the millennium; transformations that accelerated significantly more with the outset of the COVID pandemic. While some retailers have navigated these shifts to a point of better business …