Tag Archives: strategic planning

Building Blocks of Business Valuation

Building Blocks of Business Valuation | vcfo

Building Blocks and Best Practices for Driving Business Value Business valuation is not an original or uncommon topic. It is, however, one that business owners and leaders should be far more focused on and reminded of often. That’s because many who start a business don’t always fully consider business value when developing their original strategy …

Inventory Management in Manufacturing

Inventory Management in Manufacturing | vcfo

How Attention to Inventory Can Make or Break Manufacturers A major factor in determining the success of a manufacturer is how well it manages its inventory. When manufacturers have too little inventory, they can’t fully meet customer demands and lose out on revenue as a result. When manufacturers have too much inventory, they trap cash …

Professional Services Firms Challenges

Professional Services Firms | vcfo

Challenges Faced by Professional Services Firms (and How a Strategic CFO Can Address Them) Professional services firms are unique entities. For them, hard assets like inventory, furniture, and machinery which are common in many businesses, are relatively few. Instead, their assets are their people. Some may think that makes financial management and strategic planning in …

Lee Ann James Joins vcfo Houston Team

Lee Ann James - Consulting CFO | vcfo Houston

Lee Ann James has joined the vcfo, serving the greater Houston, Texas area as a Consulting CFO. Lee Ann is an accomplished consulting CFO with more than 20 years of experience. She is highly effective at executing finance function strategically, establishing financial and risk controls, and overseeing capital structure. Lee Ann’s depth and breadth of …

vcfo Gives Back

Giving back to the community has been a core value for vcfo since inception 27 years ago. Over the years our initiatives coalesced into vcfo gives®. As we close out 2022 and look ahead to 2023, I want to share more about what I consider a critical value to vcfo. By way of background, early …

Five Key Aspects of Accountability in Business

Five Key Aspects of Accountability in Business | vcfo

This post is authored by Rainee Busby, a Certified EOS Implementer® and Franchisee with EOS Worldwide. Since 2015, she has implemented EOS® in over 70 organizations delivering 350+ full day sessions. Five Key Aspects of Accountability in Your Business Inflation issues and supply chain woes aren’t going away anytime soon. To manage effectively, minimize negative …

Compensation Strategy & Philosophy Best Practices

Compensation Strategy & Philosophy | vcfo

Best Practices for Establishing a Compensation Strategy & Philosophy How a business approaches employee compensation plays a very important role in shaping the success of the business itself. For some, the approach to compensation can be rather organic or undefined, stemming from roots established in the company’s earliest days or from leaders following individual viewpoints …

A Simple Test for Businesses

Simple Business Test | vcfo

A Single Simple Test that Could Save Your Business Medical professionals often first rely on simple and inexpensive tests to determine whether more expensive, intrusive, or uncomfortable tests are necessary to gain deeper insights or more conclusive evidence to inform medical decisions they and patients face. In many cases, one simple, initial test tells them …

Lease Accounting Updates that May Impact Your Business

ASC 842 is a new accounting standard set forth by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). It includes significant departures from its predecessor (ASC 840), applies to both lessees and lessors, and will have far-reaching impacts on many businesses. These impacts will include major changes to accounting practices and financial reporting, as well as increased …

How Can Workplan Analysis Strengthen Your Business?

Running a business requires a focus on many external forces, such as market and consumer behavior changes, labor markets, cost and pricing adjustments, capital needs, and more. Internal resources are best utilized by making sure the right people are in the right roles, systems are being properly utilized, and processes are as efficient as possible. …