Tag Archives: strategic planning

The Essential Role of the CFO in the Sale of Your Company

For many business owners, the sale of their company represents the culmination of decades of work and is likely to be the single largest, most important transaction of their lifetime. With so much money at stake, and likely the retirement security of the founder, it is important that the highest price is secured, and that …

Forming a Board – Key Considerations for Growing Businesses

For public companies, having a board of directors is both essential and required to protect shareholder interests, weigh key actions, and support well-informed decisions. While private companies don’t have the same requirement, a board of advisors or directors can nonetheless be just as helpful and important  to maximize business success. However, forming a board that’s …

Someone Wants to Buy Your Business

Three Key Considerations One of the clearest signs that your business is successful and is seen as having definitive upward potential is when you receive an offer from a competitor, holding company, or business in an adjacent market inquiring about your willingness to sell. If divesting yourself of the business is not a primary near-term …

Strategic Planning – 7 Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

As consulting CFOs who have led and participated in countless strategic planning sessions over the years, we have experienced first-hand the value that effective strategic planning brings to business. Strategic planning is a vital activity that helps an organization assess the state of its business, market, and resources. It determines priorities, identifies operational gaps, and …

Do I Need a CFO?

Some form of the question, “Do I need a CFO?” surfaces in the course of conversation at a very high percentage of the lunches or professional events our vcfo consultants attend with business leaders. It’s a pivotal and not surprising question for CEOs to struggle with, especially when they have solid controllers and accounting managers …

Churning out Profits in a SaaS company to fuel Growth…which KPI to focus on

“Churning” is probably not the best choice of words in the title of this article, since it can have negative connotations in any business – especially a recurring revenue model.  However, I do want to draw attention to the concept of churn – the rate of client termination – because it: Is an essential element …

How to Determine if You Need New Accounting Software Part Two – Systems Selection

Selecting The Right Accounting Software – Interim CFO

In part one of this series, I identified the considerations you should keep in mind when deciding whether or not your company has outgrown Quickbooks. Part two covers how systems selection is the first big hurdle in a conversion.  Selecting the “wrong” system is not an uncommon mistake and the “right” system may be one of several …

The Single BEST Way to Prevent Financial Fraud

The Single BEST Way to Prevent Financial Fraud - vcfo

Financial fraud is a bad scenario for business owners. Beyond the embarrassment or the financial loss, fraud can also result in the termination of a long-term employee. A few factors may put a company at risk; however, the primary cause is a lack of internal controls and oversight. We also find that a lack of …

Top Three Mistakes to Avoid When Growing Your Restaurant Empire

Top 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Growing Your Restaurant Empire - vcfo

I’m sure you’ve heard the statistic that half of all restaurants will close within the first three years of opening. In fact, new and exciting concepts are generally started by a chef or restaurateur, but often not by a business person. The systems for running these operations are virtually non-existent, which isn’t really a problem …

How to Fund Your Business

How to Fund Your Business - vcfo

Options to fund a business range from family and friends to banks to institutional capital and business owners are best served by understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each option before making this decision. Read more below for tips on navigating this process effectively. Overview of the Stages: Even though every company has a timeline, …