Category Archives: CFO Consulting

Someone Wants to Buy Your Business

Three Key Considerations One of the clearest signs that your business is successful and is seen as having definitive upward potential is when you receive an offer from a competitor, holding company, or business in an adjacent market inquiring about your willingness to sell. If divesting yourself of the business is not a primary near-term …

Finance Year-End

As Year-end Approaches, Finish Strong and Focus Forward As CEOs and other leaders come to grips with the reality of another year quickly coming to a close, many simultaneously recognize that it is a vital time to take stock of what needs to be done to strengthen one’s business and get it to where we …

Churning out Profits in a SaaS company to fuel Growth…which KPI to focus on

“Churning” is probably not the best choice of words in the title of this article, since it can have negative connotations in any business – especially a recurring revenue model.  However, I do want to draw attention to the concept of churn – the rate of client termination – because it: Is an essential element …

Case Study: How this Textile Manufacturer Increased Cash Available by $3,125,000 with a Simple Balance Sheet Optimization

Financial Consultants in Texas

Do YOU have $3 million of cash hiding in plain sight? The vcfo team worked with a client in the manufacturing industry selling products to automobile paint and textile customers. We were looking for ways to increase their cash available. By digging into their financials, we determined that they were carrying 90 days of finished …

Avoid the Rev Wreck

Revenue Recognition Impact Consultants in Texas

Avoiding a Revenue “Wreckognition” Nightmare- How the new Revenue Recognition Standard Could Impact Debt Covenants The way entities recognize revenue and certain expenses associated with obtaining or fulfilling contracts is changing as a result of the new revenue recognition accounting standard (ASC Topic 606).  It is important that entities understand the impact of these changes …

Outsourcing vs. Centralizing vs. Offshoring: Which is Best for your Business?

Outsourcing, Centralizing or Offshoring – Virtual & PT CFO

Looking to streamline your business functions and can’t decide whether you should outsource, centralize or offshore? All three are great options for small business owners looking to increase efficiencies, reduce cost and improve service – so let’s break them down to determine which is the best for your business. Defining the Options When it comes …

The Guide to Long-Term Incentive Planning

The Guide to Long-Term Incentive Planning - vcfo

What kind of long-term incentive plan should your business have? vcfo breaks down best practices to avoid employee turnover and how to encourage your employees to reach new goals by using long-term incentives and benefits. The Guide to Long-Term Incentive Planning Whether you’re seeking to keep good employees in a tightening labor market or desire …