Tag Archives: financial strategy

Inflation is here. It’s real. It could take you out of business.

US currency on fire, representing The cost of runaway inflation.

This blog is a wakeup call. Inflation is here to stay…without substantial intervention. Intervention isn’t going to happen until those making the calls acknowledge this is not a transitory situation and implement necessary actions to include raising interest rates. However, as you will see outlined below, even that will most likely not tame the monster. …

Understanding Key SaaS Metrics to Get Funded, Part II

Key SaaS Metrics | vcfo

“You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Peter Drucker Part I of this post covered the first four metrics that are the macro drivers of valuation, including ARR, Bookings, the Cash Conversion Score, and the Rule of 40. Part II covers additional metrics that provide powerful insights derived from measuring SaaS unit economics. Here are …

Ellen Wood, vcfo President & CEO, Published in Texas CEO Magazine

Texas CEO Magazine

How does an economic development plan created almost 20 years ago still inform the city of Austin’s success? Click here to read the latest edition of Texas CEO Magazine for more from Ellen Wood, vcfo’s President & CEO.

Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management – Where to Start to Get it Right

Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management

Healthcare systems have long been challenged to optimize the collection of payments for the care they provide to patients. As demands on healthcare systems have markedly increased in recent years, so too has the importance of effective healthcare revenue cycle management (HCRCM) practices. Still, surprisingly few organizations have a good handle on HCRCM while most …

Four Key Functions a CFO Adds to the Executive Team

Executive Leadership Team

Forming and growing a strong leadership and executive team is a vital and evolving challenge for business leaders. Deciding on the roles, the levels of experience and the capabilities required on the team depend on both the current stage and planned growth of the company. Financial and strategic expertise will always be a part of …

How History Informs Business Strategy

While living in Washington, DC in the nineties, I was introduced to a book that hit me like a brick and provided clear context for everything that was happening in the world around me. That book was The Fourth Turning, by William Strauss and Neil Howe. It held that events which many times appear unrelated …

PPP Loans: Forgiveness, Timeline, Implications, and Next Steps

Image: calculating the costs and benefits of PPP loan forgiveness

We are at a moment in time that economists, historians, journalists, psychologists, the medical profession, and politicians will be writing about and discussing for decades to come. The sudden and precipitous economic collapse was not caused by a supply and demand imbalance or financial deleveraging as in previous recessions but by an epidemic quickly turned …

Preparing Your Business to Weather the Virus

This post was co-authored by Jerry Pinataro, Senior HR Consultant, and Regina Walters, Consulting CFO. As COVID-19 spreads within the U.S. borders, companies are taking immediate action to protect their employees and sustain business operations as much as possible. Being proactive and planful is the best policy and so much is unknown with a virus …

Determining the Right Funding Source for Your Business

Funding for your business can originate from a number of different sources, including family and friends to banks and institutional capital, so it serves business owners well to understand the advantages and disadvantages that accompanies each of these funding options prior to deciding which to pursue. It is common for business owners and leaders to …

Finance Year-End

As Year-end Approaches, Finish Strong and Focus Forward As CEOs and other leaders come to grips with the reality of another year quickly coming to a close, many simultaneously recognize that it is a vital time to take stock of what needs to be done to strengthen one’s business and get it to where we …