Tag Archives: HR Consulting

Best Practices for Long-Term Incentive Planning

image: discussing long term incentive planning

This post is co-authored by Kelly Wells and Teresa Foltz. Many elements go into the formula for attracting, retaining and developing the right talent for your organization. In assessing how you’re doing across each of these elements, one of the questions you’ll undoubtedly want to explore is “What kind of long-term incentive plan should our …

Coping with COVID: Employee Development Ideas in a Paused World

The impact of digital transformation on business processes, cultures, and customer experiences is compelling large organizations to have Learning and Development teams rev up their development engines with increased training budgets and online learning investments. Small and mid-sized businesses that may not have dedicated learning and development resources are also feeling the pinch. For them, …

Why Organizations Need and Benefit from HR Mentoring

The Benefits of HR Mentoring

Finding and hiring great talent is a near-constant priority for leaders of growing companies. And while attracting the right people to one’s business is crucial, it’s equally important to have a strategy in place to retain and grow employees in a way that maximizes their contributions as well as their satisfaction and professional development. Leaders, …

5 Characteristics of Great Finance, HR, and Recruiting Consultants

For CEOs and other business leaders who determine it may be necessary or valuable to bring in external consulting expertise to their organization, it’s important to consider the following characteristics to identify the right individual and approach to accomplish a successful engagement. And for consultants providing their counsel and skills, it’s equally important to objectively …

What Every CEO and Board Should Know About Their Human Resources Department and Strategic HR

Everything a CEO and Board Should Know About HR Department

The strategic role of Human Resources and the understanding of same is mission critical to a CEO and the Board.  Over the years, HR has changed from a “personnel/paper pushing” department to a department that can add value which translates to company savings that can drop to the bottom line.  Allowing HR to have a …