v360™ Enterprise Value Roadmap

v360™ is the ultimate value optimization experience, designed to help a business assess the true worth of the company as it stands today through the lens of the market. v360 delivers a set of 15-20 actionable recommendations that when adopted, will help enhance value beyond the growth of revenue or EBITDA.

Business owners facing a myriad of time constraints or operational and market challenges can leverage v360 as an essential framework for building a viable, action-oriented roadmap for the future, enabling value growth in advance of funding events, mergers, succession planning, or a potential sale down the road.

Unique in the industry, v360 is a multi-dimensional assessment of your company, informed by industry statistics and expertise honed from working with more than 5,000 companies just like yours.


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Strengthen Your Business’s Resilience, Improve Performance, and Elevate Overall Value

Why just work your usual plan when you can work smart, enhancing your value significantly at exit or your next funding event?

An example of potential improvement.

Our Customers Choose v360 to Help With These Business Challenges

Building Value While also Focusing on Operational Excellence

Most business owners are busy running their companies, diving deep into operational details, responding to competitors and crises, meeting with customers, focusing on building revenue, and trying to hire great people.

There is often little time left over for strategic planning and building a long-term game plan for growing the value of the company.

The v360 engagement empowers business owners with a game plan for building value in many dimensions, not just revenue growth.

data and analytics

Preparing for a Funding Event

  • What is the real value of your company from the market’s perspective?
  • Does that value match what you think the company is worth?
  • What factors do investors look for that you might have overlooked?
  • Are there ways to build value ahead of a potential investment without focusing all your attention on revenue or EBITDA?

Optimizing Value for a Future Succession or Exit

  • Do you have a succession plan? Are you trying to leave your business to your family?
  • Are they ready? Are you selling to a 3 rd party? Is your company in great shape to make that happen?

Don’t wait. Prepare for a transition before it’s too late – that time might come
before you or the company are ready for a smooth transition.

Don’t take the risk of under-investing in assessing and planning for the future.


It’s customized for your business drawing on expertise developed by more than 28 years of operational experience working with over 5,000 companies. Your team will benefit from our seasoned experts averaging 25 years of operational experience.

Estate Planning for Your Business

We worked with a founder and majority owner of a services business who was diagnosed with cancer and realized that there was no exit plan prepared with his business partners.Though everyone had the best of intentions, none of the parties had any experience valuing businesses.

Working with us, the company’s actual value turned out to be ten times what the partners originally thought. The holistic, 360-degree view of the company uncovered many dimensions of value outside of profit alone that resulted in an extremely comfortable life for the founder’s family. Sadly, the story doesn’t end that well for many businesses.

Preparing for Sale

A business owner we worked with decided it was time to sell the company he and his family had built over many years.

His perception of value was entirely based on multiples of EBITDA until we helped him see other dimensions of value that potential buyers would assess during due diligence.

After following the set of actionable recommendations revealed by v360, the owner was able to have a very successful exit in two years, at higher multiples than EBITDA alone.

Prepare for a Transition Before It’s Too Late

A client told us a poignant story of how her mother had built a very successful business and kept putting off selling it until finally, she entered into a deal that wasn’t the most favorable with people who were not the best operators.

At the end of the day, she ended up getting very little for a business that was worth millions to the right buyer and with the right strategic steps taken ahead of time.

v360 Enterprise Value Roadmap Focus Areas

The v360 Enterprise Value Roadmap focuses on six operational areas designed to increase valuation multiples, independent of revenue and EBITDA alone:


Our experts help you activate your results, ensuring that your future plans are aligned with the most significant value enhancements you can implement. Whether your goal is driving growth, building a cohesive succession plan, achieving optimal terms on debt or investment, or planning ahead of time for a successful exit, v360 will tell you how you stack up and set a course to optimize shareholder value at every step of the way

Focus areas of the v360 roadmap

The Assessment Report

The v360 deliverable is a report, containing a detailed picture of how you would be viewed by the market today, our findings, our recommendations for change, and the associated increase in value we believe you could achieve by making those changes.

NOTE: v360 is not an exit planning tool though an exit is one event that lies ahead of all companies at some point. Every change we recommend will enhance value. The v360 exercise is intended to guide our clients to increasing their position right now and at every step of the life of the company. Events that happen, such as acquisitions and capital raises, will be entered into with optimally valued equity resulting in less dilution to ownership for our clients.

Low Risk – Big Return

The engagement takes about four weeks but only several hours of owner time. Your investment is minimal. By giving our experts access to current financial statements and spending about two hours of time answering 125+ key questions, we can deliver an assessment of the current state of your company along with powerful recommendations for enhancing value independent of revenue or EBITDA growth.

The questions will delve into key areas that influence your value: leadership, infrastructure, company culture, personnel, risk management, and overall drivers of profitability.

We’re Not Your Average Fractional CFO Firm

Extensive Partner Network

We’ve spent nearly three decades cultivating a vast network of partners that we can tap into to support your growth.

Strategy & Execution

You need more than academic financial theories. We’re used to being in the trenches and executing on those theories. We pride ourselves on rolling up our sleeves and executing alongside you.

Remote & In-Person Support

We’re ready to operate in whatever fashion best supports your team. We invented the virtual CFO model in 1996, but we’re more than happy to accommodate in-person engagements as well.

EOS Experts 

Looking to operate within the EOS framework? We’ve helped hundreds of companies install and run on EOS. Let us be the Integrator to your Visionary.


Client Engagements

28 Years

Helping Businesses Grow

25 Years

Average Experience of Our CFOs

Schedule a Risk-Free Consultation

We’ll do our best to ensure that you gain actionable value from the very first call. What do you have to lose?

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