Tag Archives: SaaS

Alternatives to Traditional Venture Capital Equity Financing

Business man analyzing data for VC funding

Get Funded While Retaining Control SaaS companies face challenges getting funding from traditional lenders. There are several reasons for this, including lack of positive cash flow and the absence of hard collateral. However, as the SaaS business model has matured and become better understood, an increasing number of institutions are willing to provide alternative, non-equity, …

Can’t Get No SaaSifaction? Essential SaaS Metrics For Funding, Part I

Essential SaaS KPI Metrics For Funding

“If you don’t know your numbers, then you don’t know your business.”  -Marcus Lemonis There are many reasons that SaaS software companies fail, including lack of product and/or market fit, an inadequate sales organization, and a lack of capital. Don’t be one of those failures.. This two-part series is for SaaS executives who want to …