Tag Archives: Finance

vcfo Austin Team Adds Elbert Johnson, Consulting CFO

The vcfo team continues to expand with the recent addition of Consulting CFO Elbert Johnson. Elbert is a senior finance professional with nearly three decades of experience in financial reporting and analysis, banking and credit relationships, treasury-cash management, profit improvement, budgeting and forecasting, and e-commerce across multiple industries. He is particularly skilled in implementing effective …

Should You Incorporate in Delaware?

image: agreement on Delaware incorporation

Delaware declared its independence from Great Britain on June 15, 1776 and thereby also became independent of Pennsylvania with which it had been connected since 1682. Delaware was the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution and became known as “First State” among the 50 that now comprise the United States of America. Today, Delaware …

Delaware Incorporation: To Flip or Not to Flip? That is the Question

image: VC investors prefer US companies, which is where the Delaware flip shines.

The U.S. share of global venture investment has held steady at around 50% for the past five years. It was 51% in 2020. While this is down from an 84% share in 2004, and 90%+ share throughout the 1990s, high-growth tech companies with global market opportunities and unicorn potential would nonetheless be foolish not to …

Updating Accounting and Finance Practices for Growth

Calculating Accounting and Finance Practices for Growth

At start-up and in the earliest stages of operation, most companies understandably approach the accounting and finance side of their business from a basic bookkeeping perspective. As a business grows, however, so too does the need for more advanced accounting practices and financial insight. In most cases, adding responsibilities requiring a higher level of experience …

Preparing Your Business to Weather the Virus

This post was co-authored by Jerry Pinataro, Senior HR Consultant, and Regina Walters, Consulting CFO. As COVID-19 spreads within the U.S. borders, companies are taking immediate action to protect their employees and sustain business operations as much as possible. Being proactive and planful is the best policy and so much is unknown with a virus …

Due Diligence – A Four-Part Framework for Assessing Your Business

Due diligence is often viewed as the collective assessment checkpoints associated with transactions like mergers and acquisitions or funding endeavors. While these are certainly common pairings, due diligence can also be extremely helpful in assessing the overall health of a business and other factors. Essentially, due diligence is defined as “the investigation or exercise of …

Finance Year-End

As Year-end Approaches, Finish Strong and Focus Forward As CEOs and other leaders come to grips with the reality of another year quickly coming to a close, many simultaneously recognize that it is a vital time to take stock of what needs to be done to strengthen one’s business and get it to where we …