Tag Archives: CFO Consulting

Engaging an Outsourced CFO – Ten Things to Consider

10 Tips to Outsource a CFO | vcfo

Engaging a virtual or fractional CFO as an outsourced resource is an excellent step for companies that need senior-level finance expertise but cannot afford to recruit or engage a full-time CFO. It’s important to ask the right questions to set the relationship up for success. Through our work providing teams of CFOs, controllers, and HR …

Inflation is here. It’s real. It could take you out of business.

US currency on fire, representing The cost of runaway inflation.

This blog is a wakeup call. Inflation is here to stay…without substantial intervention. Intervention isn’t going to happen until those making the calls acknowledge this is not a transitory situation and implement necessary actions to include raising interest rates. However, as you will see outlined below, even that will most likely not tame the monster. …

Tom Schwein, Consulting CFO, Joins vcfo Denver

Tom Schwein joins vcfo Denver team as Consulting CFO

vcfo is pleased to announce that the vcfo Denver team has expanded to include Tom Schwein, Consulting CFO. Tom is a Consulting Chief Financial Officer with more than 25 years of professional financial experience. Tom is a Certified Public Accountant in Colorado and has extensive background in helping companies significantly increase financial and operating performance …

Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management – Where to Start to Get it Right

Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management

Healthcare systems have long been challenged to optimize the collection of payments for the care they provide to patients. As demands on healthcare systems have markedly increased in recent years, so too has the importance of effective healthcare revenue cycle management (HCRCM) practices. Still, surprisingly few organizations have a good handle on HCRCM while most …

Four Key Functions a CFO Adds to the Executive Team

Executive Leadership Team

Forming and growing a strong leadership and executive team is a vital and evolving challenge for business leaders. Deciding on the roles, the levels of experience and the capabilities required on the team depend on both the current stage and planned growth of the company. Financial and strategic expertise will always be a part of …

Updating Accounting and Finance Practices for Growth

Calculating Accounting and Finance Practices for Growth

At start-up and in the earliest stages of operation, most companies understandably approach the accounting and finance side of their business from a basic bookkeeping perspective. As a business grows, however, so too does the need for more advanced accounting practices and financial insight. In most cases, adding responsibilities requiring a higher level of experience …

Due Diligence – A Four-Part Framework for Assessing Your Business

Due diligence is often viewed as the collective assessment checkpoints associated with transactions like mergers and acquisitions or funding endeavors. While these are certainly common pairings, due diligence can also be extremely helpful in assessing the overall health of a business and other factors. Essentially, due diligence is defined as “the investigation or exercise of …

5 Characteristics of Great Finance, HR, and Recruiting Consultants

For CEOs and other business leaders who determine it may be necessary or valuable to bring in external consulting expertise to their organization, it’s important to consider the following characteristics to identify the right individual and approach to accomplish a successful engagement. And for consultants providing their counsel and skills, it’s equally important to objectively …

Finance Year-End

As Year-end Approaches, Finish Strong and Focus Forward As CEOs and other leaders come to grips with the reality of another year quickly coming to a close, many simultaneously recognize that it is a vital time to take stock of what needs to be done to strengthen one’s business and get it to where we …

Churning out Profits in a SaaS company to fuel Growth…which KPI to focus on

“Churning” is probably not the best choice of words in the title of this article, since it can have negative connotations in any business – especially a recurring revenue model.  However, I do want to draw attention to the concept of churn – the rate of client termination – because it: Is an essential element …