Category Archives: Finance

Enterprise Sustainability and Cash

Image: Man on ice float. Enterprise sustainability.

Enterprise Sustainability – Cash and Context The COVID pandemic impact hit hard and fast. Before the government could roll out supportive mechanisms in response to the pandemic, many businesses simply ran out of cash along with options that could have kept their doors open. No one could have fully foreseen COVID-19’s economic impacts, but many …

Can’t Get No SaaSifaction? Essential SaaS Metrics For Funding, Part I

Essential SaaS KPI Metrics For Funding

“If you don’t know your numbers, then you don’t know your business.”  -Marcus Lemonis There are many reasons that SaaS software companies fail, including lack of product and/or market fit, an inadequate sales organization, and a lack of capital. Don’t be one of those failures.. This two-part series is for SaaS executives who want to …

Understanding and Applying the Changes to COBRA and FFCRA

This article is co-authored by Chris Hysinger, Consulting CFO, and Kelly Wells, Senior HR Consultant. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) became effective on April 1, 2021 and extended federal reimbursement provisions that were put in place by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. Included among ARPA’s many provisions were significant updates to …

Navigate From Crisis to Prosperity

This post on navigating crisis is co-authored by Ashford Chancelor, Dallas Practice Manager & Consulting CFO with vcfo, and James Savage, CEO at Kingsbrae Global, a corporate brand reputation and communications firm based in Dallas. How Businesses Can Navigate Crisis to a Path of Prosperity In a previous blog, we wrote about the four historical …

Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management – Where to Start to Get it Right

Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management

Healthcare systems have long been challenged to optimize the collection of payments for the care they provide to patients. As demands on healthcare systems have markedly increased in recent years, so too has the importance of effective healthcare revenue cycle management (HCRCM) practices. Still, surprisingly few organizations have a good handle on HCRCM while most …

PPP Updates and Considerations

PPP Updates and Considerations

This post is co-authored by Ellen Wood, Chris Hysinger, Jennifer Lennarz, and Regina Walters. Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Updates – Key Components and Considerations In January of 2021, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) resumed and expanded its Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA). This opens up new funds …

How History Informs Business Strategy

While living in Washington, DC in the nineties, I was introduced to a book that hit me like a brick and provided clear context for everything that was happening in the world around me. That book was The Fourth Turning, by William Strauss and Neil Howe. It held that events which many times appear unrelated …

Updating Accounting and Finance Practices for Growth

Calculating Accounting and Finance Practices for Growth

At start-up and in the earliest stages of operation, most companies understandably approach the accounting and finance side of their business from a basic bookkeeping perspective. As a business grows, however, so too does the need for more advanced accounting practices and financial insight. In most cases, adding responsibilities requiring a higher level of experience …

Working Capital Access and Options

Stacking of coins demonstrates capital growth.

This post is co-authored by Ellen Wood and Chris Hysinger. Access to Working Capital – Understanding the Options and Improving the Odds Compounding the COVID-19 crisis, banks have tightened available capital and lines of credit for borrowers, especially for small to medium sized businesses. Other working capital programs have completely cut off virtually all their …

Business Budgeting Considerations for 2021

How to Budget for Your Business in 2021

This post was co-authored by Carter Freeman, Vice President – Western Region, and Chris Hysinger, Consulting CFO. Business Budgeting Considerations for 2021 and Beyond Nobody saw 2020 coming when organizations put their budgets together in late 2019. As we enter the budgeting cycle for 2021, there is no clear picture of what the sustained new …